Introduction, why I chose the program and everything that’s good about it
Hello to all the readers, my name is Abhinav and I come from India, It’s my 4th semester at the faculty of Social Studies and this is my first ever blog as the student ambassador for the International Relations and European Politics program at the Faculty of Social Studies. I have always shown a keen interest in International Relations and economics, always finding myself in all discussions we used to have with my high school teachers regarding global, political, and economic complexities. Which ultimately lead me down the path of pursuing International Relations as the main focus of my undergraduate studies.
So, right after completing my high school in India; I, like most of my friends back home, embarked on the long and tedious process of finding the perfect university that would cater to all my needs, meet all of my expectations and provide an excellent foundation for me to build my future on. After a week of looking for the perfect degree for me in International Relations, I hit the jackpot and found Masaryk University.
Many factors about the International Relations and European Politics program seemed extremely attractive to me. From the extremely qualified professors to the affordability and the quality of the education provided, it all just made sense. Hence, the International Relations and European Politics program at Masaryk University just wooed me right into sending the application.
The Czech Republic also seemed like the ideal country for me to study in, its central position on the European map allows us to travel and expand our network, participate in various events across borders without the hassle of traveling for days on end and also have fun when the time calls for it.
Apart from the Czech Republic being the ideal country, the course structure for the program is certainly remarkable and while the university provides excellent compulsory and elective courses, there also seems to be a level of freedom regarding what each student wants from their time at the university. Every faculty at the University provides certain courses that can be taken by anyone belonging to any other faculty in the university, this provides a degree of flexibility and allows people to garner skills in fields beyond their scope of studies. There are clear links between the courses both theoretically and practically. The professors and academic advisors are extremely helpful and are always willing to assist or advise us in times of our need. My studies at the Faculty of Social Studies not only broadened my understanding of International Relations but also strengthened my grasp on the English language, allowing me to express my thoughts and ideas in a much more sophisticated way.
The International Relations and European Politics program at Masaryk University is extremely rewarding and equips us with both theoretical and practical knowledge to excel in the future. IR is perhaps one of the most relevant social sciences out there, and the current events around the world require more people who understand International Relations. I would recommend the program to anyone who enjoys learning, understanding, and analyzing key global events, possesses good problem-solving skills and of course, they should also have an interest in reading and writing (because there is a lot of it).