- Teaching and education: Integrating the principles of sustainable development into all study programs and promotion of a responsible approach.
- Research and doctoral studies: Support for research activities focused on sustainability and the dissemination of knowledge about sustainable development.
- Internal culture and societal impact: Implementation of sustainable principles into the university operations and active involvement in sustainable development.
- Sustainable institution: Effective use of energy and resources, efficient building operations, and waste minimization.
In May and June, the Rector's Office organized interactive workshops that analyzed the individual pillars and gathered input from representatives of individual faculties and institutes for the development of the strategy.
In 2025, the university-wide strategy will be followed by the development of partial sustainability strategies at the level of individual faculties and institutes of Masaryk University.
Masaryk University welcomes ideas and feedback from all students, teachers, and researchers interested in this topic. For more information, please visit this page.
We will inform you about further developments at the end of 2024. The designated representative for the Faculty of Social Studies is Gabriela Vybíralová.