FSS accepts everyone without differentiation
The Faculty of Social Studies advocates principles of equal and fair treatment, diversity and inclusion. We strive, as a faculty, to create a community that connects us all through our drive for knowledge, education and research, acknowledging equitable interpersonal relationships and our responsibility to society and the environment.
Equal and fair treatment is important, whether referring to relationships between employees and employers, teachers and students, students themselves or workers themselves. We emphasized this principle by being the first faculty in social sciences within the Czech Republic to receive the HR Award certificate and we continue to focus on fulfilling the strategy.
We believe that an inspiring and stimulating environment is made where diversity is present. That is why the door of the faculty is open to everyone regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual preference, religion, nationality etc.
It is important to us that all members of our faculty, be it students, staff or guests, feel safe and welcome with us.