What was it like for me to move to Brno?
Well, it made me a bit nervous but excited at the same time - at first, I was really sad knowing that I would be moving away from home, leaving my friends and family behind.
I was highly worried that I would miss the hustle and bustle of a busy, sunny city which was my home - Dubai. Though I was born in the Philippines, Dubai is home to me. Living there all my life, I knew I’ve grown accustomed to its convenience, comforts, as well as its culture. I travelled quite often to other countries for vacation, and those instances fuelled my curiosity about the world outside the United Arab Emirates.
I knew that I needed a change in environment for university, as I wanted to grow as a person and get to know myself better. I wanted to explore my options - I knew that I wanted to study in Europe, and I was highly interested in studying in the field of International Relations.
I came to the Czech Republic in Autumn 2017 in order to pursue my studies. Initially, I was studying International Relations and European Politics at Masaryk University’s Faculty of Social Studies, at the bachelor’s level. Currently, I’m studying the same program at the master’s level.
I knew Brno was the right fit for me when I first arrived - I was amazed to see the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. Seeing it lit up during the night gave me chills, and I knew I was excited to explore the city. Till this day, whenever I return to Brno, the sight of the Cathedral upon entering the city gives me relief - I always think to myself, “I am finally home”.
Yes, Brno has become my second home! The first places I visited were the Cabbage Market Square, with the Parnas Fountain in the middle. I also visited the Cathedral for sure - when you see it from afar, you can’t help but want to see it up close! You can also see it from another vantage point in the city: atop Spilberk, which also has a beautiful castle.
I love the architecture the city has to offer, along with its rich history. Regardless of how long you’ll be living in Brno, there is always something interesting to appreciate and revel in - may it be the cultural scene and museums, nature, or even the city’s cafe and restaurant culture.
Personally, I’ve really taken a liking to the gastronomic scene in Brno. How could you not? Especially since as a student, you learn to enjoy coffee as it helps you go through your semester - and of course, food is a necessity. Restaurants and cafes here each have their own vibe, so if you’re a foodie like me, give them a go!
You can always grab a bite to eat or even a warm drink, and sit in many different parts of Brno, just people-watching and enjoying the vibe of the city. I’ve enjoyed doing this when I first arrived in the city, and it’s still one of my favourite pastimes which I invite newcomers in the city to try out. It can really help it getting to know the place better, and at the same time, you get to know yourself too.