Hi everyone, My name Is Sofea I am a student in the programme Politics, media and Communication. The reason I chose this programme is because I am really interested in the fields of political science, I enjoy reading and there is a lot of reading in this course. I also analyse political issues and cases from previous elections, which I find interesting. Not only that, but this programme offers nuanced views of politics and how it is portrayed in the media. This way, students are able to learn the intricate relationship between politics and the media, additionally how Politics can affect the society through the continuous evolvement of the media. In short, I chose this programme because it provides a large scope for opportunities in the near future as this degree combines 3 separate majors into one.
So you must be wondering how I keep up with all the readings and three different fields in this degree; to succeed in whatever I do during each semester, I always make sure to confide in all of my concerns to respective professors. The MUNI professors are all generous people and they are really helpful. Especially during assignments. It is advised to discuss with your lecturer regarding the format and structure of each assignment beforehand, to ensure you obtain your desired grade and achieve extra guidance. Furthermore, the professors are all really specialised in each field of Politics, media and in communication so there is nothing to worry about. If you are uncertain, do not hesitate to contact the professor through our handy and reliable Information System called the IS.