The work schedule for obtaining the HR Award
Work to obtain the HR Award began at the Faculty of Social Studies in the autumn of 2019 with the presentation of the individual principles of the Charter and the Code at meetings of Faculty Management and Dean’s Council.
Gradually, all 40 principles were presented according to the 4 areas of the Charter and the Code:
1) Ethical and Professional Aspects
2) Recruitment and Selection
3) Working Conditions and Social Security
4) Training and Development
December 2019:
The application letter to the European Commission was sent and an HR Award working group was established -
March/April 2020
A questionnaire survey administered among the staff
August/September 2020
Three focus groups on the topic of discrimination were conducted
December 2020
Action Plan, GAP analysis, OTR-R checklist were uploaded to the EURAXESS portal. All documents were approved by the steering committee.
April 2021:
The HR Award certificate was received. The project working group begins to implement the Action Plan. -
April 2023-2026
May 2026:
External assessment by the European Commission with the visit of the assessors at the faculty, renewal HR Award granting.

Financial support towards preparation for obtaining the HR Excellence in Research Award is provided by the European Union within the call announced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE) “Development of capacities for research and development II”. The project “Development of Human Resources and other Strategic Areas for Research Support at MU” (reg. No.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014703).