Going Abroad at the Faculty of Social Studies

Study Abroad Options for FSS Students

Presentation on foreign study opportunities with important dates.

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Myth: International students do not need to go abroad because they are already abroad. 

Fact: All students can benefit from studying, training, interning or working abroad during their studies at Masaryk University. 

The Faculty of Social Studies strongly encourages all students to study, intern or work abroad on a mobility term. There are many ways that students can go abroad, whether it is a short term program, traineeship, internship, semester or year abroad. 

Reasons To Go Abroad

  1. Gain useful skills for your CV ...
    • Interpersonal skills (speaking, cultural understanding, empathy, patience, teamwork)
    • Problem Solving
    • Practical skills (self-management, self-discipline)
    • Personal growth (perseverance, responsibility, flexibility, initiative)
  2. Experience your studies from a different perspective. Studying abroad enables you to experience another university's way of teaching and outlook - who knows, it may help you decide on your thesis topic!
    • Check it out for your next degree (although we know you never want to leave Brno). 
  3. Practice a new language, or not - either study abroad allows you to enhance your intercultural communication skills by taking your safety net you have built in Brno!
  4. Travel - of course, why not take advantage of this opportunity.

Types of Abroad Opportunities:

Applications for each of these programs are opened for a short amount of time. Please be sure to look for an email from the International Office at FSS with a call for applications and information. The majority of mobility opportunities are offered through the Center for International Cooperation (CZS) .

The earliest deadlines are December 15 for Fall mobility and June 1 for Spring mobility.

Short Term (Summer School, Conference, etc.)

Students looking to go abroad for a short term may have funding available . It is up to students to research their opportunities and find programs that are of interest to them. 

Internships, Traineeships, Research

Students who wish to have a practical experience while abroad should check out the opportunities listed on the CZS webpage . Students can be funded through many opportunities, but again, it is up to the student to research and secure the internship / traineeship themselves. International students should pay special attention to visa requirements. 

Semester or Year Long

International students at Masaryk University are able to apply for all opportunities open to Czech students, as long as they meet the requirements. Please see different types of students to study abroad below. More information can be found on the CZS webpage

Erasmus+ Europe

Erasmus + is an exchange program of the European Union which makes it possible for Masaryk University students to study at a wide range of European universities. Each department and faculty has in its offer various partner universities in Europe. You can obtain further information from the website of the department / faculty or from the departmental / faculty coordinator. You can also read about the  experiences of Erasmus students and partner universities .

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount is dependent on the destination country. 

List of available Erasmus partner universities can be found here.


More information can be found at the CZS Website .

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Look into the available universities, and countries and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are multiple deadlines for Erasmus+ programmes, in February and April/May, however international students should plan to apply in the first round in case they need a visa to study in a new country. 

    Deadlines and application procedure is announced by the Faculty. Students will typically have 2 weeks to apply. 

    To apply use this link. Choose programme ERASMUS + FOR STUDY. 

  • Application Process

    Follow the information provided by the Faculty in the application call email. 

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by both MUNI and your host university. 

Departmental Coordinators
Students that require learning agreements must contact the appropriate coordinator below:
Erasmus+ ICM (outside Europe)

The Erasmus + ICM program allows students to study at universities in Erasmus + Partner Countries - and a broad selection of countries that are not in the regular Erasmus + program . The list of participating universities changes every year on the evaluation of Masaryk University's application for funding. 

Candidates for study at these universities must first undergo a selection procedure at the Center for International Cooperation, which will then send nominations to the partner universities. Nomination does not in and of itself, however, mean automatic acceptance. The student must also meet the conditions set by the host university. Because of this, the selection procedure may take longer than those of other programs.

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount varies depending on the destination country. 

More information can be found at the CZS Website

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Look into the available universities, and countries and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are two deadlines for Erasmus + ICM programs, December 15 (for autumn and spring) and June 1 (for spring).

    Deadlines and application procedure is announced by the Faculty. Students will typically have 2 weeks to apply. 

  • Application Process

    Follow the information provided by the Faculty in the application call email. 

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by both MUNI and your host university. 

University Exchange Agreements

Aside from contracts with EU universities Masaryk University has contracts with more than  70 partner universities  outside the European Union, thanks to which MU students can study for up to two semesters at universities in  Australia, Brazil, China, Georgia, Chile, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Russian, Taiwan, Ukraine  and  The USA .

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount is dependent on the destination country. 

More information can be found at the CZS Website.

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Look into the available universities, and countries and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are two deadlines for partner university programs, December 15 (for autumn) and June 1 (for spring).

    Deadlines and application procedure is announced by the Faculty. Students will typically have 2 weeks to apply. 

  • Application Process

    Follow the information provided by the Faculty in the application call email. 

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by both MUNI and your host university. 


Masaryk University is the only university in the Czech Republic that is part of the ISEP international network, which allows students to study for the same cost in the Czech Republic and more than 150 universities in the US and dozens of other universities in 50 countries around the world - for example in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa.  

You can find a list of host universities on the webpages of the ISEP organization. You can follow your study placement in the USA with the traineeship of the same length (Academic Training), which allows you to legally work in the USA in your field of study - you can find further information here. Within the ISEP program MU does not support students at European universities, as mobility in Europe is possible through the Erasmus + program.   

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount is dependent on the destination country. 

More information can be found at the CZS Website .

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Look into the universities and countries available and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are two deadlines for ISEP programs, December 15 (for autumn) and June 1 (for spring). 

    Students must first apply the CZS before applying the ISEP system. Please review the full details of the process on the CZS website

    This application process can take more time then others, therefore students should reach out to the ISEP coordinator as soon as possible. 

  • Application Process

    Students should review the full application process here

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by MUNI, ISEP and your host university. 


The Central European Exchange Program for University Studies CEEPUS is focused on regional cooperation between universities. Through this program it is possible to go on short-term or long-term study placements or summer schools to Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Kosovo .   

Only citizens of the above countries can participate in this program.

For more information, visit the CZS website or the CEEPUS website.

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Look into the universities and countries available and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are multiple deadlines for the CEEPUS program, depending on whether you will go through the network, or as a freemover. 

    • Autumn
      • June 15
    • Spring
      • October 30 for Network
      • November 30 for Freemovers.

    Students should review the CEEPUS website.  

  • Application Process

    Students should review the full application process on the CEEPUS website.  

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by MUNI and your host university. 


The program for Freemovers is intended for students who organize and study placement at a foreign university outside any kind of Masaryk University exchange program (eg Erasmus +), or outside any intergovernmental, interuniversity or interfaculty agreement.

Freemovers can be chosen from universities around the world , however their home faculty / department and foreign university must agree. Every foreign university has its rules for the acceptance of Freemovers - some do not accept them at all, others require them to pay tuition fees and others openly welcome Freemovers. 

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount varies depending on the destination country. 

More information can be found at the CZS Website

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go

    Students are responsible for finding the universities themselves. Look into the universities and countries available and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    Students should apply by the deadline at the host university.

    There are two deadlines for applying for funding for freemover programs, December 15 (for the following spring and autumn) and June 1 (for summer and autumn).

  • Application Process

    Students need to follow all instructions by the host university. The plan needs to be approved by both the students department at FSS and the host university. Please see detailed instructions on the process at the CZS website.

Faculty and Department Agreements

The Faculty of Social Studies has closed agreements with foreign universities at faculty or departmental level open only to students of FSS. Students should research each university and determine if there are courses that are of interest to them and that they meet the language requirements. 

Funding is available to all Masaryk University students. The amount is dependent on the destination country. 

How to apply?
  • Research where you want to go.

    Look into the available universities, and countries and see what makes the most sense for your goals. 

  • Apply by the deadline

    There are two deadlines for faculty partner programs, February (for autumn) and August (for spring), but international students should plan to apply in the first round in the case they need a visa to study in a new country. 

    Deadlines and application procedure is announced by the Faculty. Students will typically have 2 weeks to apply. 

  • Application Process

    Follow the information provided by the Faculty in the application call email. 

    If nominated, be sure to follow the process outlined by both MUNI and your host university. 

Special Considerations for International Students


All students should look into if their host country requires a visa. If outside the EU, most students will probably need a visa. If the mobility term is inside Schengen Zone, students should check early in the process if they will need a visa.

Students who are required to have a student visa in the Czech Republic should make plans to make sure their Czech visa does not expire. It is the students responsibility to make sure they keep their legal status in the Czech Republic to ensure they are able to return to Masaryk University and complete their degree.


  • Czech student status remains valid (this may mean renewing your visa before your mobility status)
  • Is a student visa required in the host country? (is my czech visa enough, or do a need a seperate visa)

Students must do the research themselves. 

FSS Tuition

Students are required to continue to pay their tuition during their term abroad to keep their student status. 

Additional scholarships or tuition discounts may be available. 

Scholarships are available for each of the mobility options. Students should review the information provided in the program details above. 

Departmental Coordinators (selecting courses abroad)

All students studying abroad and returning credits to FSS must have their courses approved by their departmental cooordinators. Students must contact the coordinators for each department regarding questions on courses.

Students that require learning agreements must contact the appropriate coordinator below:

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Mgr. Blanka Plasová, Ph.D.

vice-dean for Internationalization


Ing. Dagmar Hábová

Division head, Office for International Relations

Phone: +420 549 49 4253

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