When talking less is more: exploring outcomes of Twitter usage in the large‐lecture hall


ELAVSKY Charles Michael MISLAN Cristina ELAVSKY Steriani

Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Learning, Media and Technology
www Taylor & Francis Online
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2010.549828
Obor Písemnictví, mas-media, audiovize
Popis This article employs a mixed-method approach to examine the outcomes produced by using Twitter in a large-lecture course as a means to assess the pedagogical impact and potential of Twitter’s contribution to large-lecture course dynamics. In doing so, it seeks also to explore the broader relationship between methodologies and outcomes. Exploratory in nature and design, this study proceeds from the recognition of the inherent limitations and unpredictability in investigating how new technologies transform social patterns. Such an approach allows us to question how the mode and design of our research ultimately frame the interpretation and understanding of how social media intersect and impact classroom dynamics and their potential contributions for developing more effective pedagogical strategies and outcomes.

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