Does an Abusive Family History Cause Elder Abuse and Neglect?



Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Přiložené soubory
Popis Elder abuse and neglect (EAN) is a severe phenomenon affecting approximately 30% of people over 65. The prevalence in the older population, including the prevalence of each type, is relatively well studied. However, the causes are unclear. Typically, only risk factors for EAN are discussed. In addition to mental health problems and substance misuse, previous violent behaviour is the leading risk factor for perpetrators. Typically, the occurrence of violence is associated with family violence in childhood. Our data, obtained in a representative survey in the Czech Republic among a population aged 65 years (N = 2689), identify the prevalence of EAN and family violence and addictions during the respondents' childhood and middle age. The data thus allow us to test the association of risk conditions in childhood with the experience of EAN in old age. Through this analysis, we link the situation in old age to previous life stages, including childhood, and check whether and in which cases we can find the causes of EAN there.

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