Challenges of Internal Deliberation : The Czech Pirate Party



Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Since the party’s founding in 2009, the Czech Pirates have enthusiastically declared their devotion to openness, transparency and intra-party deliberation. The online platform called irate Forum was created for intra-party discussions and decision-making. After more than ten years of continuous use, the Forum should be well institutionalized among party members. The chapter deals with the use of the Forum by party members and seeks to identify the changes that have taken place over time. Intra-party processes needed to become more effective after the party won seats in parliament and later participated in a governing coalition. We study the activity on the Pirate Forum over time, focusing on the number of discussion participants, electoral turnout, types of discussions and the results of intra-party votes. Our findings indicate that neither entrance to parliament nor participation in government impacted intra-party deliberations.

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