The Development of e-Services in the Evolution of e-Government in the V4 Countries



Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is still fairly new. Originally, the idea of Industry 4.0 was proposed in 2011 by German government experts who used it for the first time in their strategy to develop a technologically advanced economy (Industrie 4.0). But even for those working with new technologies, it has been more of an appealing packing box and PR notion than a well-defined concept. The same applies to public administration and the entire debate on e-government. Can we consider the dynamic computerisation of public administration that occurred in the V4 countries at the turn of the 21st century to be the first stage of 4IR? Although it should not be perceived as such in the absence of the Internet, public e-services would be impossible without prior computerisation. If we define the Internet as a model of relations between various actors, we may characterise the impact of 4IR on public administration by describing the evolution of e-government with special reference to the V4 countries. The emphasis will be on identifying the new, virtual, and digital nature of relationships not only between various public institutions/their representatives (government to government ? G2G; administration to administration ? A2A, and government/public administration to business ? G/A2B) but also ? and perhaps more importantly ? those between the government/public administration and citizens; or, more recently, the government and employees (G/A2E). The V4 countries are currently implementing strategic policies to advance e-government in a number of public areas, including cybersecurity, e-education, e-health, and, crucially, e-administration. A later section will highlight e-services as a special example of interaction between the government and the public administration. Next, we shall attempt to categorise diverse public e-services and their development in the V4 countries using case studies. Finally, we would like to answer the question: How has the evolution of public e-services informed the recent revision of the public administration code of conduct in the V4?

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