Iran : Ambivalent dynamics on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic



Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis This chapter delves deeply into Iran’s crisis communication during the pandemic. The government employed a variety of communication strategies to manage public perception and compliance with health measures. Initial communication framed COVID-19 as a severe threat, using martial metaphors like “War against Corona” and referring to healthcare workers as “Defenders of Health”, akin to military personnel defending holy sites. Digital platforms such as Telegram, WhatsApp, and Instagram were pivotal in disseminating government messages, with hashtags like #we_stay_at_home and #we_defeat_coronavirus. These platforms also became channels for public dissatisfaction, where citizens expressed frustration over economic hardships, lockdowns, and the inconsistent application of restrictions, particularly concerning religious sites. The government’s communication strategy evolved over time, shifting from aggressive, combative rhetoric to more pragmatic messaging emphasizing individual responsibility. Slogans transitioned from “We will defeat Corona” to “We stay at home; with divine help; We will defeat Corona”, reflecting a need to adapt to the ongoing nature of the crisis. Misinformation on social media posed significant challenges, exacerbating public anxiety and resistance to health measures. To combat this, the government launched campaigns to promote mask wearing and vaccination, counteracting skepticism and promoting domestic vaccine acceptance.

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