„Before, They Were Passing Petitions Under the Tables, Now They Do It with Drugs“ : Analysis of Construction of Dis/Continuity Between the Periods before and after the Revolution of 1989 in Czech Prose

Název česky „Dřív tu pod stoly kolovaly petice, nahradily je drogy“ : Analýza konstrukce dis/kontinuity mezi obdobími před a po revoluci v roce 1989 v české próze


Rok publikování 2016
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Popis In this article, I am trying to rejuvenate the field of sociology of literature by means of structural hermeneutics as proposed by the strong program of cultural sociology. My key argument is that there is more in literature than a reflection of social structure. There are also emotions communicated to the reader by means of the text’s aesthetical function. In order to show the importance of aesthetics in sociological analysis of literature, (1) I summarize the historical development of social knowledge which is usually referred to as “sociology of literature”. Second, I show and explain the limits of this knowledge. Third, I enhance these approaches with new concepts and make them explanatorily “strong”, but also sensitive to subtle social phenomena. In the final chapter I operationalize the new theory and test it vis-a-vis data sample. The empirical part demonstrates why and how is my theoretical framework more suitable for social research of literature.

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